
13 Spooky Nail Designs that are so Unique and Beautiful it's Scary! #Lists #Nails

  A couple weeks before Halloween, I love to go and get my nails done so around this time of year I begin scouring the internet for some unique, fun, or even hauntingly beautiful designs I can bring with me when I go for my upcoming nail appointment.  Here are twelve of my favorite 2020 nail designs.  Comment below and tell me which one is your favorite! Vampire and Rhinestone Crosses Gholish Design Oogey-Boogey Ouija Board Pennywise Toxic Waste Dump Addams Family   Vampyre A Murder of Crows Blood Splatter Which one of these designs was your favorite?  Are you going to get any of these done on your own nails?  If you do, make sure to post pictures in the comments and if you have any other cool ideas for Halloween nail designs, make sure to leave those below too!

Tips for Dealing with the Loss of a Loved One #grief #tips

  Back in 2015, I received a phone call from my parents that would change my life forever.  After bullshitting with my mom for a short period of time, she put my dad on the phone.  He had something important he needed to tell me.  He wasted no time once the receiver was in his hands, "I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and I found out I have cancer."  At that moment, everything stopped.  I didn't know what to think, I didn't know how to feel, it was as if my entire world came crashing down on me completely out of nowhere.  I started sobbing and my ex-fiance looked over at me startled.  He grabbed me and held me as I cried hysterically, trying to ask my dad questions but not getting out anything more than sobs.  My dad told me to calm down, he was going to be fine.  He already started on something new and revolutionary - Immunotherapy.  Hell, it had saved President Jimmy Carter's life and he was in his 90s!  That gave me hope ...

Welcome to My Beautiful Disaster!

  It's history in the making!  Welcome to the very first post for my brand new blog - My Beautiful Disaster!   My Beautiful Disaster is what I call my life as of right now.  It's crazy and chaotic and perfectly imperfect but one thing it is not - is boring.  I will be sharing my misadventures with you along with some awesome product reviews and giveaways, fun DIY tutorials, delicious recipes and even some exciting ways to make a few extra bucks.   Make sure you follow us on all of our new social media sites - Facebook , Twitter , Pinterest , Instagram and YouTube with more to come in the near future and make sure to subscribe to receive the latest news and posts.   I will also be starting another new blog specifically for my love of all things "geeky" called "The Afflicted Addicted Toy Collector" which will feature interviews from some of the latest and greatest toy makers, product reviews and giveaways and so much more!  I will p...